The Best Local Computer Technical Support in Central New York. Residential & Business. We fix Crashed Computers, Virus, Trojans & All Infections, Slow Computers with Errors & Network Issues. We do Data Recovery, WiFi SetUp, Hardware & Software Installations, Operating Systems, Computer Cleaning. We work on Desktops, Laptops, All Makes And Models and We Feature both In Shop & On Site Computer Repair
Directions to download and install TeamViewer:
Click on the TEAMVIEWER DOWNLOAD button below
Then go to the upper right of your browser to the downloads
(the lower left corner on some older browsers)
Go to your computer’s download folder and CLICK ON the file named
Follow the instructions to install TeamViewer. Then make an account
with your email address and a secure password,
please note the log in credentials you will need them later.
Once installed, DOUBLE CLICK on the TeamViewer Link now on your desktop.
It should be an icon with a BLUE BOX.
Inside the box is a WHITE CIRCLE.
Inside the circle is a BLUE ARROW.
That is the link to the TeamViewer app.
Go ahead, CLICK on that icon now.
Put in the credentials from earlier (I told you that you would need them)
Once you have sucsessfully installed and logged into TeamViewer
Please Call The Computer Doctor at
315 - 382 - HELP (4357)
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We offer The Best IT Tech Support in the Central New York Area.
When you call the Computer Doctor, your problems will be solved!
Read what your neighbors are saying about our service:
“ The Computer Doctor completes job when promised, calls with questions, and goes above and beyond to fix computers.”
- L.O. Cortland, NY
“ Outstanding! The Computer Doctor certainly knows his stuff, but better yet, he explains clearly and patiently to those of us who don't speak Geek. He goes the extra mile for you, always making sure my computer is not just repaired but cleaned up and optimized. He's fast, too! I recommend him highly! ”
- S.H. Syracuse, NY
“ Got our home computer up and running quickly. Close to home too!”
- D.G. Fabius, NY
“ Excellent and responsive computer assistance. The Computer Doctor helped me upgrade my entire system, cheerfully going out of his way to research and supply my specialized home business needs. Can definitely recommend! ”
- R.G. Lafayette, NY
“ Prompt and courteous service. The Computer Doctor is literally a phone call away and responds to urgent needs like calling 911! Believe me I know first hand about a hacker! ”
- J.W Tully, NY
“ Great service. Took care of our problems and we were back up and running with barely any downtime.”
- A.W.D, Tully. NY
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